Frišmanovský House, 89 Husovo Square

Beroun Sights and Attractions
In place of the house burnt down by the Swedes in 1639, Matouš Frišman of Ehrenkron had a house built which bears his name, Frišmanovský. The Late Baroque facade dated back to adaptation of the house in the second quarter of the 18th century. The multi-storey front facade forms a shaped gable, the windows on the floor are doubled on the left axis with roof-like benches. In the middle there is a Baroque picture of the Sacred Family in a stucco frame of stripped ornamentations. On 1 November 1849, Václav Karel Řehořovský, a significant mathematician and Professor at the Technical School in Brno, was born here. Address: Husovo náměstí 89, Beroun

U Tří Korun, 90 Husovo Square

Beroun Sights and Attractions
An abandoned house was bought by the regional governor, Jan Fridrich Clanner of Engelshofen, who had it reconstructed in the Italian style in 1683 - 1684. Although it was adapted in subsequent years, the facade with its twin shaped gables dates back to 1684. It used to be called "Red" because of the red paint the newly built house sported. When the inn was established in the house at the beginning of the 18th century, the house was referred to as "At the Crowns" (U Korun), or later "At the Three Crowns", according to the house. 
In 1787 - 1791 the seat of the Regional Office of the Beroun region was located here. Address: Husovo náměstí 90, Beroun

The Pilsner Gate (Upper Gate)

Beroun Sights and Attractions
The Pilsner Gate or the Upper Gate was one of the most significant features of the municipal fortifications. The provincial road from Pilsen to Prague ran through this gate until 1842. The tower gate has a ground plan of 10,3 x 9,6 metres and with its height it replaced the municipal watch tower. The wall is 2,3 metres thick. The arched passage has a round opening that served for the transport of items and for defence. The passage was protected on the outer side by a draw bridge and portcullis. The gate was closed using a double-winged gate during the nights and using chains during the days. The tower could be entered from the south via a small portal, which is situated approx. 2,5 metres above the rampart ambit. These 2,5 metres from the ambit were ascended via a ladder. Rooms on the floors can be accessed via the original staircase within the wall. In 1890 a spiral staircase was hewn from the wall, through which the first flor is now entered. Burghers used the arched rooms to store municipal valuables and guns. The gate was damaged by fire several times. The current shape of the gate dates back to 1896. The paintings on the gate represent Chronos the God and Moira the Fairy, the work of Prague painter Vilém Preiss. since the Middle Age there has been a watchman´s flat on the top floor. This flat was occupied until 1972.
The areas within the gate are currently used by the Museum of Czech Karst.

The gate can be accessed on Wednesdays and Saturdays. In winter the gate is closed to public. Address: Plzeňská brána, Beroun

Plague Column

Beroun Sights and Attractions
It was built in 1681 in memory of the victims ot the plague that raged in the town in 1680. On the walls of the small chapel there are glazed pictures of the Virgin Mary, St. Wenceslas, St. John of Nepomuk and St. Ludmila dating back to 1936. Address: Seydlovo náměstí, Beroun

Deanery Premises

Beroun Sights and Attractions Church Monuments
The Baroque style multi-storey building was built in 1737 in place of the original gothic building destroyed by fire. The so-called Chaplain´s House, which was reconstructed at the beginning of the 20th century, is part of the premises. On its facade there is a commemoration plaque to the awakener and historian, Beroun native dean P. Josef Antonín Seydl, by the sculptor Zdeněk Dvořák. Dean Seydl hosted numerous of his awakener friends, e. g. František Palacký and Šebestián Hněvkovský.
There is a Late Baroque pavilion in the garden of the deanery. Address: Seydlovo náměstí 24, Beroun